12 new Sher graduates from Women School of Leadership

12 new Sher graduates from Women School of Leadership

Recently 12 Sher employees successfully completed their one-year course at the Women School of Leadership (WSOL) organized by Fairtrade Africa. WSOL was established with an intention to empower female employees at the workplace on matters related to social, reproductive health, economic power, disability inclusion, and all other factors that affect women at work.

The WSOL participants went through a ten-module training and the graduates are expected to cascade their knowledge through a peer-to-peer program on the farms. They can also begin an income-generating activity that would help them subsidize their income. A seed capital will be provided to them by Fairtrade Africa.

This year the WSOL program was also about including men in the gender committee as a way of diversifying the gender committees and to encourage the collaboration between women and men.

We congratulate our fresh graduates and thank Fairtrade Africa for organizing this important course.

women school, 12 new Sher graduates from Women School of Leadership women school, 12 new Sher graduates from Women School of Leadership women school, 12 new Sher graduates from Women School of Leadership

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