Edeka news: Afriflora Sher, the rose farm with social and environmental engagement

Edeka news: Afriflora Sher, the rose farm with social and environmental engagement

Recently, a nice article about Afriflora Sher appeared on the website of Edeka. Edeka is the largest network of supermarkets in Germany. Edeka does independent research into fair trade products which are taken by supermarkets within the Edeka group. Various themes are examined and exposed, as is Afriflora Sher as a company and for her roses. With a positive result!

We share a summary of the article:

Afriflora Sher; the rose farm with social and environmental engagement

“Afriflora Sher is one of the largest rose farms in the world. In 2005, the company was founded in the Ziway region in Ethiopia. Afriflora Sher took social responsibility immediately. The farm adheres to internationally licensed social and environmental standards. Therefore she received various certificates.

Working conditions

Afriflora Sher applies working conditions that are in line with the Fairtrade standards and other international standards (MPS Socially Qualified SQ, International Labor Organization ILO). Employee wages are above the required minimum wage.

Afriflora Sher also provides her employees with free medical care, free education, arrangements for sick- leave, pregnancy, childcare and more.

Environmentally friendly production

In addition to social responsibility, Afriflora Sher also thinks about the environment. Therefore she only works with an environmentally friendly production. The production consists of water management (including water saving irrigation systems), waste management (the use of beneficial organisms) and minimizes the use of crop protection products. A few environmental standards are required for Fair trade certification, which Afriflora Sher has.

Social projects

Afriflora Sher focuses on improving the living conditions in the Ziway region. She has already financed various projects, including a school, hospital, sports complex and a church.”

For the complete article, click here >>

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