New borehole for Sher Elementary School

New borehole for Sher Elementary School

Last month a new borehole was drilled at our elementary school in Ziway. At 72 meters deep water was struck. Thanks to Christian Service International, who offered to do the drilling, we no longer need to use potable water to irrigate our trees and plants and flush the lavatories. On behalf of all 6500 children at Sher Schools we would like to thank the staff of CSI and mr Chucha Gobena in particular, the local project Coordinator. We are looking forward to drill three more boreholes at our other school locations.

elementary, New borehole for Sher Elementary School elementary, New borehole for Sher Elementary School elementary, New borehole for Sher Elementary School elementary, New borehole for Sher Elementary School elementary, New borehole for Sher Elementary School elementary, New borehole for Sher Elementary School

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