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World Cleanup Day 2023 -
World Cleanup Day 2023

World Cleanup Day 2023

September 16 is World Cleanup Day where people around the world unite and join forces to clean up litter and waste from the environment. At Sher, every three months we actively contribute by cleaning the surrounding environments of our farms in Adami Tulu and Koka. In Ziway we join forces with our neighboring farms. Over 100 Sher-employees participate in these cleaning activities.

Litter is not only unpleasant to look at; eventually, it will pollute the environment and make its way to rivers, lakes, and the oceans, endangering animals and harming the planet and our health.

We would like to thank our devoted employees and volunteers for not only cleaning up once a year but every quarter. We call on everyone to join forces on September 16.

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