New borehole for Sher Elementary School in Adami Tulu

New borehole for Sher Elementary School in Adami Tulu

Last week a borehole was drilled at our Elementary School site in Adami Tulu. This year, construction of the first 4 classrooms will start. The new school is very near to the Sher Kindergarten that now has 350 students. Preparations have begun for the new Elementary School starting with the basics: water and electricity.

At 77 meters deep water was struck. Thanks to Christian Service International, who are helping us to improve the water availability at all our school-sites. Now we have abundant water to irrigate our trees and plants and flush the lavatories. Borehole water will also be made available, free of charge, via water taps to members of the local community.

Construction of the new Sher Elementary school will bring much needed development in terms of education, employment, and infrastructure.

borehole in Adami Tulu, New borehole for Sher Elementary School in Adami Tulu borehole in Adami Tulu, New borehole for Sher Elementary School in Adami Tulu borehole in Adami Tulu, New borehole for Sher Elementary School in Adami Tulu borehole in Adami Tulu, New borehole for Sher Elementary School in Adami Tulu

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